This is what happens when we get bored. We go disco rollerskating AND buy a Wii off Craigslist in the same night! We aren't actually super rich and reserving the entire skating rink for ourselves, by the way; apparently rollerskating on Friday nights is simply no longer cool...or ever was.
The Wii was really fun the one time we played it too.
We went bowling on a separate occasion, as well.
If you ignore Caitlin's gutter-ball on her first roll of frame 3, then she is pretty much the first Francis to ever get a Turkey!
Final scores: the only reason why we are posting any of these pictures is because we wanted to brag that we both surpassed the 100-barrier...which for us is pretty much professional.
Speaking of professional, we went to a professional Ultimate Frisbee game too! (The Salt Lake Lions are the newest addition to the league.) There isn't quite the following for Frisbee as there is for the more mainstream sports though...the game was played at the Taylorsville High School football field.
We also found an oil leak that looked like the sun. Be jealous.
Sometimes we buy lots of chocolate.
Last, we found out that the KFC a block away from our house is actually the world's first one! (It was originally called the Harman Cafe.) There are some pretty cool things in there!
We realized our car's windshield sprayer looks like an owl too. It makes us laugh every time now!
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